This Google Maps/fundraising mash-up is a fine example of how the web illuminates politics. Thanks to campaign finance laws and the magic of the InterTubes, we can uncover countless fascinating facts, such as:
- LIke most of the Bay Area, my neighborhood is very blue. Hey, look! The cat I greet every day when I walk home from work is a John Edwards fan.
- Laurene Jobs (Steve’s wife) gave $4,600 to HIllary Clinton, but more importantly: now we can stalk the God of Apple at his actual residence!
- Did you know the wonderful jazz-pop pianist Ramsey Lewis was politically active? (I didn’t even know he was still alive. Shame on me.)
- While searching for my family members to dig up their true political leanings, I came across a James Coles who supports Obama. Thought it was my brother, until I saw this James lives in Maryland. It’s your East Coast twin, Jims!
- Yahoo! employees have contributed $27,314 to Democrats and only $5,591 to the GOP. Apple and Microsoft folks show a similar bias, although, as can be expected, the monopolistic crew at MS leans a little less to the left.
- Employees of the State of California overwhelmingly support the Dems. Unfortunately, as is the case in most of the country, the big name senators and insiders have given most of their cash to Hillary.
- No surprise here: those few who listed the LDS Church as their employer all backed their fellow Mormon, Mitt Romney. Salt Lake City bleeds red, of course. It’s interesting to note that the prominent Huntsman family gave as much to McCain as Romney, who’s from the other famous Utah clan. Is there a rivalry I don’t know about?
- Basketball is blue. Not one of the 13 recorded NBA employees donated to the Republicans. Professional football puts forth far fewer contributors and is more evenly split between the parties.
- As much as I hate to promote the stereotype of a liberal media and entertainment industry, workers from each of the three major broadcast networks (NBC, ABC, CBS) overwhelmingly support Democrats. Strangely, one dude from Fox News donated $500 to John Edwards. A token gesture to support their “Fair and Balanced” claim?