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February 26, 2006



I've managed to get my mother on Flickr, but I could never get her on IM. Congratulations.


Hmm, maybe you're confused. Matthew is my bro. Dad is Bob.


Joseph is the greatest. When I have my biography written, I want him to play by play my life like this sports game.


Joe is indeed the greatest. Still, I think this post is cornfusin' people. Matt reported this all to me via iChat. I was just excited to hear my pop's still active and having fun.


Definitely confusing, but I am happy to hear that too. Awesome that he still has his jumper. I have NEVER had one of those.


Ah, I thought that since your Dad was a sports announcer, that "Dad" was referencing himself in the third person, thus, "Dad's Still Got It." and I skimmed over the "me" and "us." I don't know why my brain makes the wackiest connections, maybe it just likes things that are nonsensical. The image of someone's parent on IM tickled me so.


this post made sense till i got to the comments. now joe is wearing a jumper and matthew is your mother, and all hell is breaking LOOSE!

but at least everyone has game.
and there is good energy on the court.

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