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March 06, 2005



Did you glean the expression "White and Delightsome" from my mom's column in the SL Metro?


Or is there a White and Delightsome Club that everybody knew about but me? Well, no matter. Your pics are beautiful, as usual. xo, em

milaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan (with one a)

do you realize that i have been trying to dye my hair grey and/or white for a few months now? is that just a temporary spray or shall i have to raid your bathroom for that rinse? it seems like they don't make permanent dye in those colors.

anyhow, what size are 'dem shoes?


How dapper you do look.

What is that thing on your face?


Emma - "White and delightsome" is a complimentary descriptor from the Book of Mormon that our family often joked about. I hope it will be removed from the newer more PC translation, should there ever be one.

milan - Temp spray. Did not feel good, but maybe that's only due to my hairspray inexperience. Shoes are 11s.

Dyana - What?


Oh, I remember now! White and Delightsome IS a club to which I don't belong- ON PURPOSE! Thanks for reminding me, I'm going to go home and dig out my old BofM, what a funny-phrase goldmine...


Check the 6th one in. Is this the beginning of an early 90's-inspired goatee, or is your [redacted] facial hair simply making an appearance at the party, too?

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