Chatting with my pal Norman of the UK...
norm: homesick yet?
Stewf: no
Stewf: i only miss soft toilet paper and decent brooms
Stewf: what's with these short handled, weak brooms?
Stewf: i thought swedes liked to clean
norm: same here
norm: bristles too soft as well
Stewf: weird
norm: no manly push brooms either
norm: i brought one over from the states
Stewf: hehee
norm: just now getting better buttwipe here
norm: though i still have fond memories of Job Squad and Bounty
Stewf: yes, paper towels too
norm: don't start me on garbage bags
norm: i've just gotten my blood pressure down
Maybe I should send you some Charmin Ultimate for those special times when you need gentle softness.
Posted by: Matthew | October 07, 2003 at 08:18 AM
You've got to try "Leni" brand TP, (I know Konsum has it, most places must), it's almost american in it's cushiness! Yummy! (Well, not exactly "yummy", but cushy, definitely cushy. Hrmph.)
Posted by: DocOzone | November 06, 2003 at 03:53 PM